Wednesday, July 6, 2011

[Update] There are 2 new posts in "Simply Recipes"

Simply Recipes

Here is the Simply Recipes update for

There are 2 new posts in "Simply Recipes"

Herbed Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Peaches

Herbed Grilled Pork Tenderloin with Peaches

Summer peaches, pork, grill, herbs, yum. There's something wonderful about this combination. As you know, pork plays well with fruit. Here we're pairing pork tenderloin with fresh peaches, and grilling them both for smokey goodness. Tender as it is, pork tenderloin on its own isn't the most flavorful of pork cuts. But it lends itself to all sorts of spice rubs, in this case herbes de Provence, a mixture of herbs typical of the south of France. The mix I'm using includes thyme, rosemary, tarragon, and lavender. The floral notes of the herbs work great with both the peaches and the pork, and act as a flavor bridge between the two.

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Cherry Tomato Orzo Salad

Cherry Tomato Orzo Salad

I am not the most talented of gardeners. I over-water, under-water, over-fertilize, under-mulch. I plant little plants behind big plants, blocking out their sun. I then transplant my poorly placed plants to what I'm hoping will be a better location and almost kill them in the process. No, if a plant survives with me in charge it's because it's one heckova sturdy plant, or just has a strong will to live. I have been getting better at this over the years, but it still surprises me how difficult growing tomatoes can be, with the singular exception of the glorious sungold tomato. Do you know about the sungold? It's a cherry tomato, or the size and shape of a cherry tomato, but brightly orange colored when ripe.

Continue reading "Cherry Tomato Orzo Salad" »


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